Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Where to begin?

Maggie came home Friday evening. She was great Saturday. We went to the pediatrician and she spent some quality time with her grandma and grandpa while we visited Jack. Sunday she was still doing well, but kind of fussy. Monday morning she was still fussy and we were starting to think she was having constipation issues. We talked to the pediatrician and gave her something to help her. Then that afternoon as I was getting out of the shower, Brian changed her and went to start giving her a bottle. Before even starting the bottle she stopped breathing and immediately went blue. Brian tried to pat her and wake her into breathing, but she wouldn't breath. He ran her to me and I tried, and still nothing. Brian started CPR and I called 911. Brian was able to get her back and breathing on her own, but her color still wasn't good. I'd never seen either her or Jack get as gray as she did...it scared us both beyond anything! The ambulance and EMT arrived and immediately we were rushed to Children's Hospital ER. She was looked over and eventually transported to University Hospital. When we got there she was still not breathing well on her own. She was having apnea episodes where should would stop breathing for about 10-15 seconds. The doctor decided to intubate her and they ran every possible test they could come up with. Monday evening she was still under sedation from morphine, but her color was back and she was finally resting. She was having bad blood gas results over night, so although she was breathing with the same amount of oxygen as we do (20%) she was still needing the intubation for the pressure to assist her in breathing. Today Maggie is doing so much better. Her blood gas results are great now, and they are starting to wean her to hopefully get her extubated tomorrow. All of her test results have come back negative, which is a good thing...although it still means we don't know what is wrong with her. She is looking a lot better, even with her extreme edema from the fluid intake. She was awake when we saw her this evening, and she is able to comfortably and peacefully sleep. Hopefully she continues to do well and for now we're just in a wait and see period.

Meanwhile, Jack pretty much remains the same. He has been doing a bit better with his feeding, he gets 50ml and this past feeding with me he took 27ml...which is the best he has ever done! Not too much new with him, just hoping he continues to progress with his feeding and has good weight gain. Lucky Brian and I watched him start gagging when we were getting ready to head out tonight, so I picked him up to help him in case he was having trouble breathing. Well...he puked up all over us! It was pretty gross, but it seemed to relieve him. He is such a sweet cuddle bear!

Brian and I really appreciate all the thoughts and support from everyone. Wilma is back with Aunt Lisa, which is extremely helpful. We also got a great care package from the Korzeps and Knapiks tonight, a big cooler of different pints of Graeter's ice cream. We really appreciate all the wonderful friends and family we are lucky to have in our lives!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys are in our thoughts and prayers. Love, Chad and Erin

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