Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Guess who's coming home Friday...

Maggie!!!!! I can't wait. I'm so excited to have her home and sleeping in her crib. She'll be wire free, able move around the house with me, play with her toys she has waiting for her, cuddle with her mommy and daddy freely...everything! She had her feeding tube removed over the weekend and her cute little button nose is all free. She's been taking her bottle like a champ. She isn't as interested over night, which might be a nice thing for when she gets home. We'll still try to feed her every 3 hours when she gets home, but eventually if she wants to she will be to sleep through one feeding. I'm curious what Wilma is going to think of her... Yesterday Maggie had her hospital photo shoot and she was such a ham for the camera! She was seriously all smiles, hugging her teddy, and just completely content. She never fussed and all her posing made her pretty hungry. Afterward downed her bottle before settling in for a good nap. The pictures should be on-line in a couple of days at

Jack isn't ready to come home, and although it breaks my heart knowing I'm going to be leaving my little man alone at the hospital, I know it is better than trying to rush him home. He is still struggling with his bottle. He is eager to suck, but can't get the swallowing and breathing down. He has also been refluxing, even when tube feeding, and sometimes it causes his stats to go down. They changed his tube about a week ago to a larger size and I think that the milk was emptying into his belly too quickly and increasing his reflux issue. They changed his tube back to the smaller one last night, and I'm hoping that helps. As for the bottle, he has been taking about 15-20ml but we only try it a couple of times a day because of how he has been doing. He isn't completely showing all the feeding cues yet, so we're just waiting for him to tell us he is ready. He is still my all grins, big blues eyes cuddle bug!

Jack and Maggie have become much more aware of each other in the last week. They suck on each other's fingers, gravitate towards each other when they sleep and really like being together. It makes it harder to know Maggie won't be next to Jack anymore, but Jack is going to be extra spoiled by the nurses when he is alone...and I know he will get tons of cuddles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so excited to here that she is coming home, jack will home soon 2 just let him go on his own time. Well by chance I came accross your blog I didnt even know you got married (no body tells me anything in this family) well I hope that you email me or facebook me I miss and love you all.

Manette Hennings (Arteaga)

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