Sunday, August 23, 2009

Let the feeding games begin

As is common with preemies, we seemed to have taken 3 steps forward, 2 steps back and then another 3 steps forward. Last week was a frustrating feeding week. We couldn't get either baby to take a bottle very well. Maggie went from taking almost 80% of her feeds by bottle, to dropping down to less than 30%. Jack would barely take 10%. I could tell the poor things were miserable when trying to suck and swallow and that something was really bothering their poor throats. So we backed off a bit, and it seemed to have done the trick. Maggie woke up Friday morning and decided she liked the bottle idea. She is nearly at 100% now and if she continues to do well her feeding tube may come out in a couple of days. Jack is doing great too! He has been able to re-learn pacing himself and is taking in a good amount given his struggle. Neither are showing signs of stress, which makes me so relieved. Jack is still refluxing, but that is something we will just have to work through- it is the "preemie thing" and he will hopefully grow out of it.

Other than the feeding games, everything else is fairly normal. Both continue to gain great amounts of weight. Last night Jack weighed 5lbs 8oz and Maggie 4lbs 13oz. Jack is also getting longer, nearly stretching past preemie clothes. They definitely have little personalities that we love to watch and enjoy. In recent days they've been touching and cooing at one another, which is so cute!

Today is my long awaited family baby shower. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and celebrating the babies. While I'm gone Brian is going to do some much needed relaxing. :)

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