Sunday, July 5, 2009

28 Weeks!!!!

Happy 28 Weeks Babies! This milestone is huge, and we are so excited. All has been good here at University Hospital. Each day my nurses and doctors say "So, still behaving?" and I say "Yep!". When they do my status report each morning I'm still "boring" and that is great! The babies are growing big and strong, and I've grown big, not sure on strong though I'm getting plenty of rest.

This was 27 Weeks:

The day all the trouble started was supposed to be Brian's work party, and this past week Brian brought in all the presents and I got to open them from my hospital bed. We got tons of goodies and are quite lucky!

Tonight there will be a mini-party in room 3233 to celebrate Week 28. Along with a 28 week belly shot, I'll post some pictures of the "crib" in a day or two. For now we've had breakfast and I think I'll get strapped up to monitor the babies and then watch a movie. Nice relaxing weekend. :)

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