Thursday evening I went onto the monitor like normal and started feeling some of the contractions, but there wasn't anything regular enough to warrant my getting checked out. It was strange to suddenly be feeling the contractions, but they still weren't painful or overly strong. Around 5 and 8 Friday morning I was awoken by a contractions, which I thought was definitely something new. Still not painful, but definitely there. Then I went on the monitor at 8:30 and not only was I contracting on a pretty good rate, but I was feeling them. It was strange because I kept thinking that it couldn't mean anything, since I wasn't in pain. Then, the doctor came in and checked me out. I was at 6cm and 95% effaced. And that was that. They said not only was I headed to L&D, but this time I would be having the babies! I immediately called Brian at work, and he met up with me as I was headed to L&D. From there, everything went so fast!!
Very quickly I had my vitals checked, my IV started, anesthesia came in to explain the spinal tap and before I knew it I was being wheeled into the OR. I was pretty scared, nervous, excited and anxious! They kept asking if I was cold because I was shaking so much, but I just kept saying nope, that I was shaking because of my nerves. When it came time for my spinal tap, I was readied for the pain they had explained to me, but lucky me...I didn't feel it at all!! At one point I was lying there talking to the nurse and asked her if they were done and she said "Well, um, yeah. You didn't feel anything?" I laughed and said "Nope." It was pretty cool not to feel any pain. :)
Brian met up with me in the OR all dressed in his surgical digs and things got started. It was the strangest thing ever!! I was completely numb from my chest down, but I could still "feel" touches and pressure. At one point before they actually started I felt someone touching my leg and immediately said "I feel that!" because I was afraid the spinal didn't work. The nurse reassured me, and then they did the poke test and I was even more reassured I would feel no cutting or pain. And I didn't, just pressure.
Before I knew it they were telling Brian to get the camera ready and at 11:47am Maggie Lily Keller was born! They rushed her towards the awaiting NICU team, but they gave me a quick look as she went by and I got to hear her cry. It was awesome!! Then, at 11:49am Jack Brian Keller was born! Again they rushed him towards the awaiting NICU team, but I got to see him too. Once the babies were settled with NICU, Brian was able to go and see them while the doctors finished up on me. That was the longest wait! Brian came back in to show me pictures of the babies and eventually I was finished in the OR and moved to recovery.
The rest of the day was exciting and exhausting. I got to my room (we were so fortunate to get to stay in the same room as before...considering the amount of stuff we'd accumulated) and tried to nap after my first time of pumping. Later that night I finally got to see my babies!! It was awesome, and I was so happy that we had toured the NICU previous that week because I felt so comfortable being wheeled into the unit.
Catching up to today...
Maggie is our little feisty girl. She is smaller than her brother, but active and quite the little gal. She was able to go straight to C Pap after birth and then yesterday she was put to just oxygen through her nose. She is also already taking in breast milk through a feeding tube and although she is under the lamps to prevent jaundice, she is doing fantastic and is super strong! What has been great is that I got to hold her yesterday and again today.
Jack is our fighter. After birth he went straight to C Pap, but early Saturday morning he blew a pnuemothorax and ended up with a chest tube to get the air volume down and he had to be indubated. The doctor called me at my room early Saturday morning and let me know all that had happened, and when Brian woke up he immediately went down there to see him. Since Saturday, Jack has completely turned around! He is currently being transitioned to hopefully have his chest tube taken out tomorrow morning and if that goes well, he should have his indubating tube removed and he can be put back on the C Pap. He is also taking in breast milk through a feeding tube and we just know he is going to continue to do great!
As for myself, I'm healing well. I will be going home some time tomorrow, but I'll be back here quite often! I started pumping from day 1 and although I got a bit discouraged from lack of production yesterday, today has been better and I think my milk will be coming in any time now. I'm trying to stick to every 3 hours...and still get plenty of rest and see the babies! It will be nice to finally go home and sleep in my bed. I've been here over 3 weeks! I've put a lot into this blog and should stop now. I will keep this updated as much as I can. Thanks to everyone for all their thoughts and support!!
Some pictures:
Just before heading to the OR
Maggie 2lbs 10oz 15"
Jack 3lbs 3oz 15"
CONGRATS!!! I can't wait to meet them!
Congratulations!! Glad to hear things are going well!! Marty and I were going to come down this week...Just like us to always be late! Kathy
Congratulations! They are absolutely beautiful! I'm glad to hear they are doing well...preemies are always the toughest little kiddos. :) Keeping you all in our thoughts.
~Christina, Greg and Katelynn P.
Congratulations!!! We can't wait to see more pictures.
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