Sunday, July 12, 2009

29 Weeks in L&D

Happy 29 weeks Babies! To celebrate their un-Birthday, the babies, Brian and I spent a sleepless night in Labor & Delivery. Saturday night around 10pm, like every normal night, I was put on the "toco" to monitor contractions. An hour later, the doctor came in because I was contracting every 7-10 minutes. Again, like last time, I didn't feel anything. The doctor did an internal exam and I had dilated to 5cm and my membranes appeared to be possibly bulging. So...I was transported to L&D. When we arrived and got somewhat settled into L&D, it was midnight and we congratulated ourselves for making it to 29 weeks. I got an IV for fluids, a catheter because I wasn't allowed out of bed with risk of my water breaking and hooked up to the monitors. The doctor decided to put me on Indocin, which is a strong Ibuprofen type drug. Then we waited. Brian was able to get some sleep, not good sleep, but some. I finally passed out sometime around 3:30am and slept somewhat on and off. Around 6:30 the nurse woke me to take my next dose of Indocin and then the doctor came in around 8. My contractions had stopped to only one in almost 3 hours and upon another internal she found that I hadn't progressed any further. So...I was released to go back to Antepartum. A big sigh of relief!

I'm very happy to be back "home"and still have the babies swimming around where they need to be. The plan for now is a straight 48 hours of the Indocin (they don't do it longer because of potential effects to the babies) and then we'll just return to the same routine. Hopefully I can still make it another few weeks, but we are preparing that the babies are probably coming sooner than later. Tomorrow we're going to tour the NICU. Right now I'd really like to make it until the end of week 30 so I can get one more steroid shot.

We're both staying positive and appreciate every one's support!

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