Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Buying time

Not as eventful as the weekend, but eventful enough. During my morning monitoring the babies were great, but I had contractions again. Fortunately they weren't close enough together for the doctor to be concerned about checking my cervix. I've been started on procardia, which is a strong muscle relaxant. The hope is that it will calm my uterus down and stop the contractions. I'm still not feeling the contractions, which I guess is good. So the same plan stands, I'll continue the procardia and be monitored for contractions twice a day. Hopefully we can at least get a few more weeks, August would be so much better than July.

Last night Brian and I toured University's NICU. It was a bit upsetting seeing the tiny baby and all the tubes, but it was also good to be prepared for what we will most likely face. The unit is huge and we met a couple of the nurses. They answered all of our questions, were very helpful and kind. It made me feel confident about the babies being there. I'm still scared, but I feel more prepared now than I was when I first got here.

My hospital stay continues to go as well as can be expected. The nurses are fantastic and I feel like I've made friends with some of them, which has been nice. We can talk about other stuff than the daily medical routine and it's been nice having that social interaction. My day to day routine has pretty much been established as well, which is good for me. Brian continues to be awesome!! I don't know how I would be able to handle this without him here by my side.

So for now, all is stable and good and we just hope it stays that way for many more weeks.

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