Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The new Keller Home

Hello world. Everything is still good with the babies and I here at the hospital. We've completely settled in and almost have a normal daily routine going. Here is a glimpse of the hospital room we've turned into our temporary home.

This is the view when you first walk in the door. This is at night, when we are settling in for bed.

The couch and Brian's shelving set-up.

In the upper left you can see Brian's coffee station. :)

Brian's bed, the couch above extends into this.

Brian relaxing in the room recliner, pretty comfy.

This is for the peeps back at work... look at how the nurse spelled my last name! ha-ha...I've kept it that way just for fun. :)

This past Sunday we had a little un-Birthday party for the babies 28 week milestone.

Happy Mommy and Daddy

Mmmm, cake!

And finally, here is my 28 week belly

And, beware, here's the bare belly...

The babies are growing and active, which is awesome. Active babies are healthy babies. Unfortunately active babies are also hard on nurses when they are supposed to be monitored for an hour each day. Maggie is a fighter when it comes to being monitored. Each morning the nurse comes in and straps me up, then has to chase Maggie around. I think while Maggie swims away in there she sometimes kicks Jack off as well. Some days are good, like yesterday they both behaved for about 45 minutes. Today, I ended up in bed, strapped up for 2.5 hours! If this is any indication, Mommy might end up with her hands full... :)

I just finished watching the Jackson Memorial Service on CNN. Very interesting "memorial service". Brian should be "home" in about 30 minutes and we'll just settle in for the night after some dinner and perhaps watch a movie.


Anonymous said...

I just want to say that I am so happy that you, Brian, and the babies are doing well. You look fantastic... I love your bump! You guys will continue to be in our thoughts and I am sad that you will not be able to visit this weekend. Love ya, Sarah and Chris

Anonymous said...

The new home looks as comfty as can be expected and it looks like you guys are really settling in there. We plan to come up to visit next weekend the 18th... we will give you guys a call. You will be missed this weekend, but we will see you soon. You are taking great care of those babies. :) Love, Chad and Erin

nick-o-lie said...

Glad to see everything is going well (at least as well as can be expected living in a hospital). That is funny about your name. Keep up the good work.

You aren't missing anything here...except for some Twizzlers...thanks:)

Anonymous said...

sweats and knickers down mum let me see yourpussy

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