Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kangaroo Care

This week I've been able to start something awesome with the babies! It's called Kangaroo Care, also known as skin to skin contact. Very simply enough, I open my shirt to expose my chest and hold the baby against my skin for about an hour. I love it! I can smell them, feel them breath and it is just awesome. Today I got to start working on latching with Maggie and she did great! She is definitely my petite, strong lady. I'll continue that for another week or so, and hopefully after that she can start latching on for real and taking in milk. Jack isn't far behind and perhaps in a week he can start where Maggie is now. Jack is so calm and even tempered, he'll be great too.

Jack and Maggie continue to do very well. Maggie has had some issues with her breathing and heart rate (also referred to as A's and B's...Asystole and Bradycardia) so she's been started on a caffeine supplement to help boost her up some and get her system to breath better. Both have been able to have their oxygen levels lowered, are gaining weight and are still as cute as ever. I'm not biased or anything though. :)

As for me, I'm doing good. I'm still quite tired as I am trying to continue to pump every 3 hours to keep up the good supply I've been able to produce. It exhausts me though. I tried going into the hospital with Brian in the morning, but that made me completely wore out, so instead I'm going in the afternoon and then going home with Brian after work. Which just works out for everyone a bit better. I miss putting the babies to "bed", but I get to spend more quality time by being there in the afternoon/early evening.

Brian continues to be my rock. He is a great husband, and awesome daddy. I love watching him with the babies...they are already wrapped around his little finger. I'll get pictures posted soon.


Anonymous said...

So happy the babies continue to improve. They are so strong And of course beautiful!
Take care.
~Christina, Greg & Katelynn

Rasha said...

Hi. I'm doing an article on kangaroo care and I found your blog while doing a Google Blogs search. If you're open to sharing your experience, I can be reached at: Thanks, and best of luck to you and your family.

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