Saturday, July 25, 2009

My rings

So this past week I've been in and out of the NICU scrub room countless times. I have this habit of removing my rings each time I wash my hands, as I've always tried to avoid them going down the drain and I hate getting soap in all the little crevices and in between my finger and the bands. A bad habit I started, and should have stopped. Unfortunately, a few days ago I learned my lesson. It was a "normal' night. Brian and I had just gone to get dinner after seeing the babies and had returned to tuck them in for the night. As always, I removed my rings, set them on the shelf above the sink basin in the scrub room and proceeded to wash my hands. Somewhere along the way I must have been distracted and forgot to take the rings off the shelf and put them back on. We went into the NICU, visited with the babies and then I went to the back room to pump. Upon washing my hands was when I realized my rings weren't on my finger. I immediately went to the scrub room, hoping they would still be there. Nope. I then asked the front desk, thinking certainly someone would have turned them in. Nope, and I broke down in tears. I double checked I wasn't crazy and had put them on that day. We'd taken pictures with the babies earlier that day, and one picture showed me wearing them. So...they weren't at home. This is when I pretty much lost it. I am mad at myself, so saddened by it all and so hurt someone would take something so precious! Neither ring is very valuable in terms of cash, but they are so valuable to me! I love my rings and they are that simple, sentimental item that I've always treasured! Brian and I picked them out together. I can remember every detail about them, I can feel the loss on my finger. They are just rings. I can "replace" the ring part, but I can't replace them. It is sad there is someone out there with MY rings, probably holding the small amount of cash they were able to redeem at a pawn shop. I hope they enjoy that they will never be able to understand the sentiment of having those two rings on their finger. I filed a police report that night and will follow up with them. There are cameras all over the NICU entrance (where you have to be buzzed in), the scrub room and then within the NICU itself. Additionally, everyone has to sign into a log. So the police can investigate and perhaps determine who it was that took the rings. Perhaps it is someone that was visiting with parents of a NICU baby...I'd certainly hope it isn't a parent of a NICU baby. They of all people should know the importance of those type of sentimental items, especially during a time like this. Oh well. Again, they are just rings. I am still married to a wonderful man, and I'd give my rings away any day for my babies to stay healthy, strong and come home with me. It just saddens me that I can't seem to hold onto the honesty of strangers anymore. Really, just sad.

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