Wednesday, June 10, 2009

24 Weeks

It's been quite a week so far, and it's only Wednesday. Both I and the babies are doing good, but I've been feeling pretty "yuck" the past few days.

Here's my growing belly at 24 weeks:

Like the pants and shirt I'm sporting... Brian's! :)

I had an ultrasound and OB appointment Tuesday afternoon. The ultrasound was good, the babies were both pretty active by the later part of the afternoon and Maggie was all about the spotlight, whereas Jack couldn't really be bothered. After the ultrasound I saw the OB. Fairly typical appointment, I met another doctor at the practice and I really like her. She did an internal exam because of the Braxton Hick's contractions I've been having, and although my cervix isn't dilated, it is "softened". To ensure it wasn't also shortening, I had another ultrasound this morning. All is good though and I'm measuring perfectly. Speaking of measurements, my belly is measuring the perfect 4 weeks ahead, 28 weeks! The babies are each 1.5 pounds and growing right on track. As for my weight, I've gained a total 25 pounds. Here are some pictures of the babies from the ultrasound yesterday:

Maggie's cute little profile

Maggie's face in 3D. Hard to see, but there are two eyes, a nose and mouth in there.

This is the only good shot we got of Jack, his face. He was pretty camera shy...sound familiar...?

Each baby is active at different parts of the day. Jack is more of an early afternoon guy while Maggie varies between afternoon and evening after dinner and I've settled in for the night. I have fun watching them kick through my shirt while at work sometimes! :)

So I've taken the past 2.5 days off from work, but I'm returning tomorrow with the hope of completely feeling better! :) The nursery is slowly coming along. The painting is complete, the closet is put back together and the new door handle was put on tonight. We may pick up the crib mattresses tomorrow...which means I can put the bedding on after I wash it!

This weekend is our Couple's Baby Shower! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone!

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