The babies have really started turning into little people lately! They are both sitting unassisted which has been fun to watch. Maggie isn't staying up as long as Jack, but she has figured out how to fall onto her belly and then can roll around and usually continue to play. Speaking of rolling, she is really starting to make her way all over the family room. She will take one toy, usually a block, and move herself all over the place with just that one toy. Lately she has been rolling herself to the swings and then playing underneath until she gets bored. It's been fun to watch because usually she'll play alone for quite some time and babble all the while. And man can she babble. She has started saying Ma-ma-ma along with Da-da-da and Ba-ba-ba. Additionally she continues to love singing, screaming and screeching! Jack has started to show interest in rolling, but he would much rather sit with toys. He is getting better about reaching for toys while sitting, and he can fall from sitting pretty well, but doesn't quite know what to do once that happens. He has started making scooting attempts, so crawling is just a matter of time. Since he is sitting, I've been sitting him in the bath tub like a big kid. He loves it! He splashes the water and likes to watch the spray hit his hands.
Jack & Maggie sitting and playing together
They love the doggy!
Both kiddos are sleeping so much better at night! Maggie pretty much sleeps straight through fairly consistently and Jack occasionally wakes for a quick bottle around 3am, although (knock on wood) the past few nights he has been sleeping straight through until 6am and then going back to bed for at least a couple more hours. It's been nice to get my sleep back! Now I have to start working on their napping habit. I've still been swaddling and putting them in their swings for naps during the day, and I know I need to wean them from that. I'm going to start by ending the swaddling all together (they aren't swaddled at night) and then I'll start moving them into their cribs. We'll see how it goes!
Perhaps the most exciting new experience this week was our first trip to the park!
Jack & Maggie swinging
Jack swinging
Maggie swinging
Daddy enjoyed the park too!
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