Saturday, May 22, 2010

Holy Blowout!

Today was a good day at the Keller home. The kids woke up in great moods. We took Jack to the pediatrician early in the day because he had a rash that had spread and we just wanted to rule out all was OK. The doctor checked him over and he is fine, looks like he just has something viral passing through. He is in much better spirits today, which is great because I missed my happy little guy. The kiddos took a long nap after a nice walk through the neighborhood. Once they woke up we got ready and went to Granny & Gramps house. During the drive, Jack played with his seat strap and Maggie sang and babbled. When we arrived...we discovered what was keeping Maggie so occupied. Without exaggeration, her diaper completely missed it's job. From the side corner poop seeped out. Somewhere during the drive Maggie must have reached down and come up with a nice handful. By the time we arrived she had wiped it around her legs, arms and face!!! It was really disgusting! I managed to get her out of her seat, but not in time to miss watching her start wiping her face with her "dirty" hand. I immediately took her upstairs to a bath where she of course was more than excited. Meanwhile Brian cleaned out her filthy car seat. All is well now and they are enjoying a nice sleepover with Gramps and Granny.

Brian and I just enjoyed a nice meal at home and now we are drinking some delicious red wine and watching Gone with the Wind. An evening at home together. So far, even with the blowout event of 2010, it's been a fabulous weekend!

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