Sunday, May 2, 2010

I love having twins!

While at Sam's Club today we had a very interesting encounter. We were walking through the cleaning supplies aisle, the kids were both being very well behaved and we were just enjoying a nice afternoon out as a family.

Passerby: "Are they twins?"
Me: "Yes." with a smile
Passerby: "I'm sorry."
Me: just a look of shock
Passerby: "It will get easier."
Me: "Oh, it already is. We love it!"
Passerby: "Oh, then you must have a lot of help."
Me: "Yeah..." and I turned the aisle

Seriously?! Where do people come up with this stuff? Didn't we all learn in elementary school "Think before you speak" and "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all."? Oh well. I love having twins! I can't imagine my life without having two babies. I say this after buying $200 something worth of formula that will only last me a week, holding Jack for the 3rd time while he screamed and refused to go to bed and exhausting myself with Maggie who screamed uncontrollably for most of the day. I say this because I get to watch them squeal in delight at one another as they jump together, laugh at one another as they splash in the bathtub, grunt and pull at one another as they play in the living room and look up at me with gorgeous blue eyes that always seem to say "WE LOVE YOU MOMMY!". Having twins is not double the trouble, it is double the fun!

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